Is it safe? Technology and safety: What you should know.

While speaking at a recent accounting conference on forensic accounting, a participant asked about “best practice” suggestions pertaining to technology safety.  Clearly this is a very broad and ever-changing topic.  This article is an attempt to capture some suggestions and to raise awareness, as most of us need to maintain at least a minimum level [...]

By | 2018-02-15T10:14:32-05:00 January 19th, 2017|Cyber Security|

Importance of Management Interview and Site Visit

When preparing a business appraisal for a business, financial statements, tax returns, leases and operating agreements are often reviewed and utilized.  Such information is useful in deriving an opinion of value, but often only provides a narrow and incomplete picture of the business.  As most business owners will tell you, there is more to their [...]

By | 2017-01-19T16:39:01-05:00 January 4th, 2017|Blog, Business Appraisal|